
fate of the monarchs photo by: Ken Gonzales-Day Who do you have to leave behind to become who you are? Fate of the Monarchs is the story of Harlan, a young man who marries the most beautiful girl in a small town.  They have a gorgeous son.  He should be happy.  But he's not.  He's tortured by fantasies of a roaming trucker, but refuses to break his marriage vow. HeÕs stifled.  Burdened. Overwhelmed. His only outlet for expression comes in the form of Chrysalis, a graphic novel superheroine  he creates.  Chrysalis is half-human, half-monarch butterfly.  SheÕs free, powerful, erotic.  Unbound by moral constraints or anxiety.  Fate of the Monarchs is a story of how these two opposites – Harlan and Chrysalis – unite to become whole.  Fate of the Monarchs is a feature-length film in development at Fatelink Productions, adapted from Hunter Lee Hughes acclaimed multi-media one man show. To request an investor's packet, please write to Hunter at To read some review quotes from the one-man show, click here.